Why You Should Start Pinning Now for The Holiday Season

Pinterest is a great platform all year round, but we especially love it during the holiday season. We are talking outfit inspiration, holiday recipes, fun crafts, table decor, holiday shopping, and more. Pinterest becomes a go-to platform for many during October-December, and even into January with mood boards and resolutions.

Since it shines during the holidays, it can benefit brands that complement these categories to be on Pinterest and pinning relevant finds. Because, you might just get in good algorithm graces (with a lot of strategizing from Team Savvy), so you can show up in your customers' feeds during the season!

Why Start Pinning Now?

Pinterest is a long game!

Pins can stay relevant for YEARS. Here at Social Savvy, we have a Pinterest blog post that continues to be our highest performing for the past four years, largely due to Pinterest traffic.

The lifespan of a post on Pinterest is unique. The average lifespan of a pin is 4 months. Unlike the lifespan of a tweet, which is 40 minutes, or a Facebook post, of around 70 minutes, this extended lifespan means that the effort you put into crafting a pin can continue to provide returns long after other social media content has gone stale.

Getting started on Pinterest now means you'll be setting yourself up for success not just for this holiday season, but for the many seasons to come. It's an opportunity to build a library of content that can be repurposed and rediscovered by users over time.

Furthermore, Pinterest is a highly visual platform, which allows brands to showcase their products and ideas in a more engaging and interactive way.

Pinning Strategically for the Holidays

It's not just about the visuals. Optimizing your pins with strategic keywords and descriptions can significantly improve their searchability. Pinterest is a search engine! Be sure you're using all those holiday buzzwords because you know they are online and searching leading all the way up until the holiday.

Start pinning now to build momentum and ensure your brand is top-of-mind during the bustling holiday season. With a little creativity and strategic planning, Pinterest can become your money-maker this Q4.

Learn more about how Social Savvy can take over your Pinterest marketing for you!


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