Answers to Challenging Social Media Management Client Questions

As social media freelancers, we are constantly faced with challenging questions from potential clients, leads, and even current clients on our roster.

How we answer these questions can affect our relationship with potential and existing clients. We want to be seen as the experts we are in this industry.

How to Answer: "Why are your prices so high?"

Our prices reflect the quality of our services and our commitment to your project. We evaluate our services based on the value and experience we provide, in addition to the costs we endure such as systems, tools, and our team members, to maintain the best level of customer experience for you.

How To Answer: "Why can't I just have ChatGPT make my social media content?"

While we don't diminish all the capabilities AI has, it does have limitations. Without proper social media strategy, people-focused content creation, catered copy to your audience, community management, and the ability to pivot the strategy based on analyzing insights and market shifts, an account might not have the unique impact that it could have with a social media manager that does these things.

How to Answer: "Why aren’t we seeing immediate results from our social media campaigns?"

Organic social media marketing is a long-term strategy. While some campaigns can yield quick wins, building a loyal and engaged audience typically takes time. It's essential to focus on consistent content creation, engagement, and optimization based on analytics. Results will come, but they often require patience and persistence.

How To Answer: "Can you guarantee that our social media will go viral?"

While we can create high-quality, engaging content that has the potential to go viral, virality cannot be guaranteed due to its unpredictable nature. Our focus is on consistent growth and engagement, which can lead to increased chances of viral moments over time. In addition, while viral content can help gain brand awareness, it can also lead to an audience that might not align with those who will purchase, so it's not the best strategy to strive for in the long run.

How to Answer: "What platforms should we focus on, and why?"

It depends on your target audience and business goals. For example, if your target audience is Gen Z, Instagram and TikTok might be ideal. For B2B, LinkedIn is crucial. We'll conduct an audience analysis to identify the best platforms for your brand, and we can put our focus in those areas.

How To Answer: “Why is our engagement rate low despite having a large following?”

Engagement rates depend on the quality and relevance of the content, not just the size of the audience. It's essential to create content that resonates with your audience and encourages interaction, and we will continue to put an emphasis on this moving forward.

How to Answer: “What should we do if we receive negative comments or reviews on social media?”

First, it's important to recognize the type of content. Is it a relevant inquiry from a customer or someone commenting just to be negative, without the intent of purchasing? If it is a customer, we believe in acknowledging the issue, apologizing, and offering a solution or directing them to customer service for further assistance. If it is someone not intend to purchase or inappropriate comments, it's better to hide or delete it.

It's important to remember that clients and leads will always have questions and oppositions that may pop-up, but you can handle them! Join our Facebook group for social media managers where we discuss all these kinds of questions that SMMs can run into!


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