What Do To When You Lose A Client

Clients come and go all the time when it comes to social media management; but don't get us wrong, losing a client can be a really difficult, and sometimes uncomfortable situation if you haven't experienced it before. Clients can leave for all sorts of different reasons, budget cuts, direction changes, or it could be because you don't fit well together. Whatever the reason is, how you handle the situation will make all the difference!

Don't break out the tissues and Ben & Jerry's quite yet, instead let's make the most out of this situation by following these steps:

1.) Stay calm, positive, and confident!

Don't get down on yourself. These things happen. Remember that no matter what the issue is, you stay confident in yourself and stay in a positive mindset because the rest of your clients still need you. There is no reason to beat yourself up over a situation that has already passed.

2.) Find out the reasoning

If they didn't give you a reason, always always always ask! You will need to know in order to move forward if there are things you could improve on, or even if the reason is fixable and you can give the partnership another shot!

3.) End on a positive note

Even though it can be a difficult situation, it doesn't have to be a negative one! Make sure to end on a positive note, because the last moments of the partnership are probably what they will remember the most. Plus, maybe you can receive a testimonial or referral out of it, too. Make sure to give them all their information and tie up any loose ends for a smooth transition.

4.) Plan & Reorganize!

Losing a client can put a dent in income, can impact your structure, and can cause schedule shifts. Make sure to sit down and consider all changes and re-strategize around them. The last thing you want to do is feel overwhelmed or disorganized. Ask yourself questions like the following to get yourself back on track!

  • Do you need another client to fill their space?

  • If so, what's your plan to find a new client?

  • What was the reason the client left?

  • Can you correct this issue for other clients moving forward?

  • What does your schedule look like now that this client is gone?

  • How can your nurture and prioritize your other clients while you have more time in your schedule?

Again, losing a client is NOT easy. However, if you follow these steps, it will definitely lessen the negative impact of losing them. If you're interested in more client relationship management tips, guides, and help - consider joining our Social Savvy Collective Membership!


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