Take a Peek at Social Savvy's Q2 Analytics Report

When it comes to marketing and analytics, there can be ambiguity around the subject.

We always try to be the most transparent with our strategies and results, so you can learn along with us in the crazy world of social media. And, that's exactly what this blog is all about. In this article, you'll find a full explanation and breakdown of the definitions of analytics on social media, what to track, and a sneak peek into our analytics reports (because you KNOW we don't gatekeep around here!)

Let's start by defining common analytics.

Defining Analytics on Social Media

  1. Impressions: The total number of times your content has been seen by users.

  2. How many times it is show up on someone's screen

  3. Reach: The number of unique accounts that have seen your content.

  4. How many people are seeing my content

  5. Profile views: The number of times your profile has been viewed.

  6. How many people were interested in learning more

  7. Website clicks: The number of times users have clicked on the link in your bio.

  8. How many people followed your CTA

  9. Follower demographics: Insights into the age range, gender, and location of your followers.

  10. How is following us and if they match our target market

  11. Top posts: The posts that have received the highest engagement, such as likes, comments, and saves.

  12. What topics and post types stuck out to your audience the most

  13. Engagement: measures how people interact with your content on Instagram

  14. How interesting, valuable, and/or engaging your content is

Our Current Strategies

At the beginning of 2024, we made some huge shifts in our strategy for our account. We wanted to dig deeper into our results, educational topics, and work samples to establish our expertise in this industry. After all, we are a team of five women who KNOW socials like the back of our hands, so we know the strategies, content, and what it takes to drive client results. So, we wanted to make these shifts to prove it on our own account!

Our Analytics

Now that you have the background on our strategies and a look into what each of these analytics mean, we are going to share a real-life example: our analytics report!

Our Follower Growth:

We saw a 108-follower increase between the two. At the beginning of the year, we made an effort to clean out both our email list and followers to ensure the most engaged audience. Since then, we have worked to maintain this and ensure for an authentic follower count with an audience that fits our target market.

Reach, profile visits, website taps, and content interactions are common insights we are focusing on and tracking currently. Over the course of quarter two, we saw an increase in each category. It's safe to say we are super proud of the track we were on with these and continue to lean into those same strategies that got us to this point.

What Analytics to Track:

This is our analytics report, but what could this look like for you? Every single account is different. We know you didn't want an "It depends" answer here, but it's important to consider how different each business's goals and mission are, and how that affects your social media strategy. Start by thinking about your long-term and short-term goals as a company and what piece of the puzzle social media plays within that. From there, write out SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based) and use the analytics defined above as benchmarks to help you get to your goal (KPIs).

If social media is feeling overwhelming and you are ready for a team of experts to step in, we have your back. Contact us and let's discuss what a comprehensive marketing team can add to your brand.


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