A Social Media Manager's Guide to Organizing Client Content

Staying organized is key for a healthy client management relationship!

Our clients count on us for many things listed out in our scope on our contracts, but there are a few things that are more 'unwritten' in social media management, like overall client experience. If you have followed along in our course for social media managers, you know that keeping clients informed, organized, and aligned (in terms of boundaries and expectations) are at the core of crafting a client experience. Today, we are focusing on the organizing piece and providing you insights into our organization system, to better help you and your team craft this space and process for yourselves, too. (Because you know we don't gatekeep around here!)

Here's how we organize our social media management client's content in Asana:

Our client content is separated by two boards within Asana, internal and external. These spaces contain virtually the same references, one is just a place for our team to communicate, and one includes the client and their team. Within this space, we keep track of campaigns, house any important reference links and information, and keep an active content calendar, we'll jump more into that below.

It's important to note that if you are a one person show and don't have a team, working out of just one board might be more helpful! Since we have a team of social media managers here at Social Savvy, we like to have a space where our team can go through ideas, revision processes, and communicate without giving our clients a million notifications.

How Do You Add The Client Into Asana?

We invite our clients into their board as a guest, so they can review content. This way, we can assign the client content to review.

What's Inside?

  1. Reference

This is where we keep any reference documents, all in their own task. This includes important Canva links, the link in bio, strategy document, hashtag bank, branding guidelines, analytics report, feedback document.

  1. To Do

This is where we drop any one-off tasks we are working on. This includes tasks like updating the bio, current sales we need promotion on, etc.

  1. Community Management

This is where we add in our daily task for community management.

  1. Content

We separate this by scheduled, for review, approved, scheduled/live. This way, the task can shift between these "statuses" as it goes along the review process.

What Communication Happens Inside?

We LOVE a streamlined communication process, so we keep conversations to a minimum, and only discuss revisions in the comments section in Asana. Other than this, we shift the conversation over to our Slack channel with the client, or our catch-up calls.

There's more on this all inside our course for social media managers, where we go over all things client management, scaling, and of course, the start up strategies you need to get your social media management business on the right track.


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