Small Business Owner Social Media Basics

Let's set one thing straight - just because you're a small business, doesn't mean you can't have big success on social media! Social media is an AMAZING, cost-effective marketing platform for small businesses, and you should be using it to its full potential for your brand! That's where we can step in!

How do you use your social media to its full potential?

Plan & Strategize

Content strategies are the key to running your small business socials. Consistency is what drives results, and the perfect way to maintain consistency is through a strategy! A content strategy is an outline of your social media planning and research. It should include goals, objectives & KPIs (key performance indicators), competitor research, an audit of your current social media, and a plan of how you are going to meet those goals with your content, which platforms, content pillars, posting times, hashtags, etc.

Study Up!

There are SO many courses, memberships, certifications, and guides to help you with social media marketing. You do not need to be a marketing major to know everything there is to know about social media! Do your research about the topics most relevant to the industry you are working with, plus the basic terms and insights of social media and you’ll be set!


Finding the tools and systems to organize and carry out your plan is an essential part of social media management. You have to find tools that complement you and your plan to be able to save yourself time in the long run. This might be a content scheduling app, a content creation tool, a task management system, and/or even a hashtag generator. Create a budget, research, and trial some tools that might be the right path for you!

Create a Community

Community is so so so important on social media. You want to create a loyal, strong community around your brand because that's where your customers will come from and stick around! The best advice we can give on this subject is simply keeping your audience in mind with everything you do and being sure to create genuine engagements and relationships.

Converting Followers

Yes, we have so much love for our followers! But, am I wrong to say maybe we love them a bit more when they are paying our bills? LOL. The reality is, that likes and followers don't pay the bills. We need to convert our followers to customers with our social media and see the ROI! Some essential steps to converting are:

  • Make sure you share quality content for your audience to get to know, like, and trust you.

  • Being clear about what you sell and how to purchase.

  • Building genuine relationships with your followers.

Know When to Outsource

As small business owners, we know we like to do it all. But, we all know our strengths and limits and want what's best for our company, even if that means putting certain pieces of it in someone else's hands. If you are just not into it anymore, are struggling, or simply don't have the time with your other hats, consider outsourcing!

Check out our free workbook to help you kick-start your social media journey!


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