Instagram Etiquette Guide When Networking as a Business Owner

When we think of networking, our minds likely go to networking events and LinkedIn. But when it comes to online networking, there's one platform we can't forget about, Instagram!

Instagram can be a powerful networking tool. After all, people are on Instagram consistently, so why wouldn't this be the place for networking, too?

Do's Of Networking On Instagram

  • Make the first move!

Don't be shy when it comes to Instagram relationship building. Someone has to be the one to start the conversation and jump in!

  • Write personalize messages

In the world of AI, we have a pretty clear eye for what's a template and robotic. BE PERSONAL! Real networking starts when we drop the copy + paste method and find a common interest point instead. Write their name, ask them questions about them, and find a connection point on their profile before reaching out.

  • Be authentic

Show genuine interest in their content before making a networking move. Take time to build rapport and slowly build up the relationship over time.

  • Follow up

Networking is an ongoing process. We can't just reach out once and expect it to be a solid professional relationship! Check-in with them consistently, ask how you can support them, and chat about how you can collaborate on things.

Don't's Of Networking On Instagram

  • Don't expect anything from them

Some people WILL go in with the mindset of a sale vs a genuine business connection and that's where it crosses the line from networking to cold pitching.

  • Don't be afraid of ghosting

People will ghost and ignore and, that's okay! You can't force a relationship with someone who isn't interested in networking at all. At least you put yourself out there and tried, and then you can move on to others.

  • Don't have an outdated profile

We know that keeping up with your social media

  • Don't only focus on a certain niche of people

When networking, it's important to network with a variety of people. Don't just reach for people who look like your ideal customer avatar - network with competitors, people within your community, with other people in your same position. You never know when one of those contacts will come in handy for referrals, questions, opportunities, or just support!


Instagram can be a powerful networking platform to connect with other business owners, businesses, and potential business best friends. Networking is invaluable in business, so make sure you take the time to not only focus on your business but also build important relationships, too.


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