Why You Need an Abandon Cart Email

Did you know that 70% of online shopping abandon your cart? That means that 70% of your sales could be walking out the door with nothing in hand (metaphorically of course!)

Could having an abandon cart email be exactly the sales boost you need?

Why Your Brand Needs an Abandon Cart Email:

Recover Lost Sales

Online shoppers often get distracted and forget to complete their purchases. An abandoned cart email serves as a reminder to finish the transaction. This can pull customers back in to complete their purchase.

Build Community

This can remind your customers that you have them on your mind! A personalized email goes a long way - the customer’s name and details about the items left in the cart, creating a more engaging experience.

Better the Customer Experience

This is also an insight into WHY they left it in the cart. Providing additional information or FAQs in these emails can help customers overcome any obstacles they face during the checkout process.

Revenue Boost

Abandoned cart emails often have a high return on investment since they target customers who have already shown interest in your products! Close that sale!!

Our Abandon Cart Emails From Big Brands:

Your small-to-medium-sized business can market like the big brands, remember that!

Crafting Abandoned Cart Emails

  1. Timing: Send the first email within an hour of cart abandonment and follow up with additional emails over the next few days.

  2. Subject Line: Use compelling subject lines to grab attention and encourage opens!

  3. Content: Include a clear call to action, a summary of the abandoned items, and any special offers.

  4. Design: Keep the design clean and simple to focus on the message. Ensure that it's also mobile-friendly and accessible.

  5. Testing: Continuously test and adapt your emails.

Incorporating abandoned cart emails into your email strategy can significantly improve your ROI, making it a crucial tool for any online business.

Do you need an expert team to handle it? We’ll fully manage your email marketing - from how people opt-in, to newsletter campaigns, and automated sequences that convert.⁠ Learn more about how the Social Savvy team can takeover your email marketing.


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