How We Would Market For a Skincare Product

Welcome to our latest blog series where every month we will be covering how we would take on marketing efforts by industry. This month, we are focusing on beauty + skincare products specifically and how we would market for a skincare or beauty brand!

Whether you are a new brand just entering the market or an established name looking to revitalize your strategy, we are giving you a full preview of what we would do to market your brand.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the heart of marketing a product-base business. Our team would set up the entirety of your funnel - from how people opt-in, to newsletter campaigns, and automated sequences that convert. Segmenting and creating personalized and engaging email content that resonates with your audience is key to building your email list.

UGC Campaigns

People are probably already taking pictures of your amazing products, so we need to give them an extra incentive to want to share those online! We'd work together with you to create a custom hashtag for them to use, encourage them to share their skincare routine to their stories, and even offer discounts or rewards to those that share. We'd be sure to also engage with those that are sharing - reposting, liking, commenting, and DMing a thank you to ensure they are seen and recognized.

SMS Marketing

Sales, promotions, exclusive offers, your audience is going to be glued to your text like it's their bff. With SMS marketing, you can reach your customers instantly (we know they are already probably on our phones anyway!!) and personally, right in the palm of their hands. Imagine sending out a fall sale that gets opened within minutes, or a personalized birthday discount that makes your customer feel appreciated!


Micro influencers, between 5k and 25k followers on a platform, are great to leverage. Their smaller, yet highly engaged audiences often lead to higher interaction rates compared to mega-influencers. This can be a cost-effective approach to tapping into new audiences through influencers. Working with them can be a gateway to creative collabs and fun campaigns. We'd work as a team to craft a fun, strategized campaign for their tight-knit following!

Seasonal Campaigns

Summer makeup looks, winter hydration routines, fall favorites - skincare and beauty can be highly seasonal products and trends, so leaving into this to boost your sales all times of the year will be essential! Not only that, this allows you to connect with your audience with where they are at and the current problems they are facing, like the dry winter skin we know we all experience!

There are many ways to level up your marketing for your skincare and beauty brand! Think about what your audience would love to consume and show up there for them.

Stay tuned for our next blog where we’ll explore another industry and reveal our approach to marketing it. If you want a holistic approach to your marketing, hire us as your fractional marketing team to transform everything from your email marketing, to SMS campaigns, to social media management.


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