How to Offboard a Social Media Management Client

We talk about how a successful onboarding process alllllll the time, but we don't want to leave out offboarding either!

Offboarding a client effectively can be just as crucial as onboarding. The first impression may be an important one, but the last impression can be very memorable 👀 Plus, creating an offboarding process can help you out too, sis! Anytime you can streamline and organize a process, that's just a little more time that you can have to focus on other things (like binge watching TikToks and calling it research, amirite?)

Let's go through the offboarding process together ↓

Step 1: Review the terms of the contract

Most contract templates have a section specifically for offboarding (and if you current one doesn't...add this to any future contracts!) Make sure to review the contract and shape your offboarding process around the terms that you both agreed to. This might include an end date, ownership of the information, etc. Be sure to abide by the terms to ensure that all legal rights are appropriately met.

Step 2: Set and end date (and stick to it!)

No matter if the partnership was called off on their end or yours, mutually agree on the last date of service. Since we SMMs typically work in monthly formats when it comes to invoicing and content planning, it's nice to use the last day of the month as that date to avoid any overcomplication - again check your contract, though to ensure that it doesn't say they can cancel at any time, etc, etc.

Step Two: Create a Shared Folder

Within that shared folder, include any important documents, reports, or information you might have pertaining to their social media management. After you have everything added, share this with the client so they have extra copies.

Step Three: Make sure that all invoices are paid

Make sure all invoices are paid up, remind them if needed, and make sure to inform them of the final due date.

Step Four: Case Study

Case studies are such an amazing thing to include in your portfolio and copy to help you sell your services. Take the time to ensure that you have the information you need, or collect more to be able to create a well rounded one for this account.

Step Five: Log Out

Remove yourself as an admin, log out, remove the accounts from your scheduling tools and apps. Say goodbye to the account and hello to extra Instagram space (seriously, why are only seven accounts allowed 🙄)

Step Six: Feedback (optional!)

This step is definitely optional and should be treated as more of a case by case basis. If it ended on good terms, it would be a great time to collect a testimonial from the client. Social proof can be such a powerful marketing tool to have when it comes to selling your services in the future! Even if it didn't end on the best terms, it might be a good way to collect some honest feedback by sending out a survey to use for internal use and growth.

Step Seven: Hold an offboarding call

During your offboarding call, thank them for their partnership, tie up any loose ends, and explain where they can find information for their account in the shared folder, ask them about the testimonial, let them know that you logged off of all accounts - use this as a time to sum up the whole process and communicate they are officially offboarded!

And just like that they are ✨offboarded✨

Now, get back out there and find yourself a new client to fill their shoes! We'll see you on IG 😉


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