What Does Staying Consistent On Socials Actually Mean?

If your feed is anything like ours, you might see "stay consistent on socials" or "consistency is key" just about daily! Both those statements are completely true. Consistency is such an important aspect of social media management, undoubtedly. However, figuring out what staying consistent means on socials is it's own type of confusing. Let's talk about what it actually means to stay consistent on social media and how you create it.

What does staying consistent mean?

Consistency on socials means that you create a schedule, processes, and utilize systems so that you can remain posting consistently, in a similar tone, and with your target customer/audience in mind.

How Do You Create Consistency On Socials?

Set attainable goals

If you're going to take anything away from this today, it's this: consistency does not mean constantly. Constantly posting and consistency seem to always get tied together and some gurus will be caught up in telling you that you need to consistently post 3-5 times per day, every day. That might be consistent and reachable for them, but we can safely say that it's not realistic for everyone (including us!). Not to mention, it's not really necessary. You can still receive great results and not post every day! The number one thing about creating a sustainable schedule and consistent socials is doing what works for you.


Your strategy will be the heart of your consistency. Strategies aren't just great for getting to know your audience. When you take the time to plan and organize, your social media will be able to thrive. Social media strategies give you the opportunity to create a game plan for your entire socials. Plus, they make our type-A hearts skip a beat with how much organization they add to your life.

Utilize tools, systems, processes, and your team

"A man is only as great as his tools," but, like, drop the misogyny out of that. Consistency is very difficult to maintain without the help of strict processes and systems in place to assist you. It's so crucial to take the time to create a toolkit to help you meet your goals and maintain consistency.

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