How To Create Your Client Management Workflow As A Social Media Manager

We all want clients, right? But, how do we manage multiple clients without feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and overtired? That's the real question here!

In this blog, we are taking a deep dive into how to set up a sustainable workflow to manage your social media management clients and their accounts.

Monthly Maintenance Overview

Step One: Strategy

Socials should always start with a strategy! A content strategy outlines your social media target customer, goals, progress tracking, and plans to connect your brand to your intended audience. We will want to create these for every client's account we manage to learn who exactly their target audience is on socials, set goals and KPIs so we can measure our ROI as social media managers.

While we won't create a strategy every month, we will want to revisit it every month to check in on goal progress, realign with your audience, and use it as a guideline to create content.

Check out this free content strategy template to help you create yours!

Step Two: Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings work well for connecting with your client! As you find your rhythm as a social media manager and with each client, you might find that a different frequency works better for you. However, a monthly, recurring meeting is a great starting point! During this meeting will be a recurring meeting between you and your main point of contact, where you'll review any previous month's results, strategize for the month to come, get information about upcoming promotions or launches, and check in about anything you need from each other.

Step Three: Create Content & Approval Process

Content approval is often where we hear the most issues occur! Our advice for this: create a detailed process for content creation and approval and stick to it! Communicate....actually, overcommunicate it to clients. You want to think about using a user-friendly platform, allowing them to have a round or two of revisions and a quick way for them to approve the content. More than that, think about how you will set this process up sustainably for the long term. Are you batching content on the second week of every month? Are you getting content from the client quarterly? This will look so different for each SMM, so nail down what works best for you!

If you run into trouble getting your client to provide content, this free masterclass is for you!

Step Four: Management

The last thing we want to do for our clients is post and ghost on their accounts! What are you doing daily to show up for clients and their audience? Posting stories, outbound engagement, responding to comments, emailing them updates - whatever this looks like for you as a social media manager, make sure to stay on top of daily account management.

Step Five: Analytics & Reporting

We know that we can achieve the results, but we also want to be sure we know how to communicate our success, too! Create a report template to send to clients on a monthly basis to showcase your wins, highest-performing content, and goal progress from the month!

Find more tips on refining your workflow on our Instagram! We can't wait to connect with you 🎉


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