How To Get High-Ticket Clients as a Social Media Manager

As a social media manager, attracting high-ticket clients can be a great way to boost your income and expand your business. On the downside, high-ticket clients do not exactly just fall into our lap.

So, how do we gain high-ticket clients as social media managers? Read more to find out!


Before you can attract high-ticket clients, you need to know who they are, so you can speak to them directly. Identify the type of businesses or industries that are most likely to pay premium rates for your services. Once you've identified your target market, tailor your marketing efforts to appeal to them specifically! Craft your messaging to hit the pain points of your niche to attract them in to your high-ticket offers.


Building a referral network or program is wildly helpful for getting clients of all scales, but especially high-ticket clients. Referrals can come in so many different colors, but one thing we can guarantee: word of mouth is POWERFUL social media managers! Take the time to create an effective client experience, so your clients can't stop bragging about you to other people. Build a referral program or system to make it easy, organized, or even rewarding to you, the person referring you, and the referral themselves. Create a network of professionals that offer a complimenting service to yours and include referrals in that connection! Whatever that looks like for your brand specifically, take the time to focus on referrals.

Scale Clients

Lower-ticket items might not seem all that glamorous; however, they can be such a great asset to your business and can allow you to scale into more premium offers. You can always find small ways to increase the scope of projects over time, such as more content throughout the week, more platforms, more engagement and outreach to their ideal clients or customers, and additional strategy calls. Don't be afraid to start small!

Use A Value-First Strategy

Adding value is not only helpful for your audience, but it can showcase your expertise as well. High-ticket clients want to work with someone who is an expert in their field. Plus, adding value can allow clients to take the time to warm up to you and your personal style before jumping into a premium offer.

Follow these steps to reach the high-ticket social media management clients you've been dreaming of!

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