How To Appeal To Different Age Demographics on Social Media

There's definitely a reason we give each age generation a specific name and study them often: each age group is vastly different!

The generation you grew up in can have an impact on your purchasing decisions, social behavior, and your perspective as a whole. Because of this, one of the demographics we like to focus on in the marketing world is age because this can be a major insight into our target audience and catering our marketing specifically towards them.

Since social media has expanded into various platforms and has been so widely used, it continues to expand to many different age ranges. Did we ever think we'd live in a world where our grandparents are on social media?

It's important to note that because there are such differences between generations, of course, the way each uses social media can be unique as well - This includes the platform, the content, and the messaging. Here's a full breakdown of how each generation uses socials.

Generation Z


  1. Platforms: TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube

  2. Content: Short, visually appealing videos, memes, and trends

  3. Messaging: Casual, authentic, and inclusive.

Marketing to Generation Z on Social Media:

Staying up-to-date with the latest trends, including memes, audio, and topics is important to connect with this generation. It's equally as important to stay informed on social issues, causes, pop culture, and influencers to join in on the conversations as they pop up.



  1. Platforms: Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, YouTube

  2. Content: High-quality images and videos, user-generated content, and educational posts.

  3. Messaging: Relatable, informative, and a focus on lifestyles, and real-life experiences.

Marketing to Millennials on Social Media:

Millennials like real-life connection - Host live streams, webinars, share Instagram Stories. They want the real, raw content with a fun twist.

Generation X


  1. Platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, X, YouTube

  2. Content: Articles, videos, and infographics about personal finance, health, and family.

  3. Messaging Professional, straightforward, and respectful. Emphasize quality and reliability.

Marketing to Generation X on Social Media:

Share insightful articles, spark and participate in relevant discussions. Establish trust through both educational content and case studies, reviews, and testimonials.

Baby Boomers


  1. Platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, X

  2. Content: Educational articles, nostalgic content, and videos.

  3. Tone: Respectful, clear, and trustworthy.

Marketing to Baby Boomers on Social Media:

Provide customer service through social media and hold real conversations. They don't want to talk to a computer, they want that person to person interaction. Ensure content is focused around an easy experience for them.

In sum, your marketing strategy should consider the age of your consumer that uses your product/service and how you can leverage their unique behaviors, tendencies, and characteristics. Depending on what your target audience is made up of, you can pivot your tone, content, and platform prese


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