Case Study: How We Generated $6,673 Revenue from Email Marketing

Social media is important, yes.


But email marketing has an ROI of $44 for every $1 spent. If you think email is dead, guess again. The time to start an email list for your business is now! At any given time Instagram or Facebook could shut down. Do you have a way of reaching your customers?


The Social Savvy Agency fully manages your email marketing - from how people opt-in, to newsletter campaigns, and automated sequences that convert.

Your email list is such an asset to your business for retaining customers, driving traffic to your website, promoting your offer without paying for ad space, and of course....driving sales! Don't believe us? Check out this case study we are pulling directly from our client roster and into this blog.

Background on The Client

This client specifically works in the B2B space, and makes money primarily in two ways:

  1. Offering 1:1 Done-For-You Services to clients

  2. Selling digital resources in their shop

Regardless if your business falls within the B2B space or the B2C space, both have a powerful opportunity with email marketing.

The Email Marketing Strategy

We created an email marketing strategy for this client that segments their list into two parts for the two different ways they make money. Why? Because they are two completely different audiences and we need to deliver personalized content that fits each.

Email list segmentation can increase ROI by allowing businesses to target customers more effectively and provide them with relevant content. Who wants an email with a subject line and content that doesn't feel like it was written for them?

From these segments, we create email campaigns to go out every week and automated campaigns for when new subscribers sign up on these segments.

The Results

After segmenting the email list and crafting emails catering to these demographics, the results started pouring in.

In the month of May, over $6k in revenue came in from emails alone. Not only that, but the stats on these emails skyrocketed above average numbers, including the email open rates and click-to-open rates. Open rates refer to the percentage of people who received the email that actually opened it. Click-to-open rate (CTOR) "the number of unique clicks to unique opens. This number indicates how effective the email message, design, and content performed." That means that the carefully curated subject lines were pulling in those segments and making them want to read through that email, and for many: purchase through it!

Investing in email marketing is not just a strategic move - it's an essential one for any business looking to cultivate a loyal customer base. By leveraging the power of segmentation, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers, increase brand loyalty, and drive higher conversion rates.

Hire us to take email marketing off your hands and let's work together to create a motivated email list that moves the needle in your business. Learn more about our services here.


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