Why You Need To Have Fun With Your Marketing

The buttoned-up era is long gone when it comes to marketing campaigns! People want the real content — we are talking B.T.S., fun campaigns, and genuine feel-good stories!

Boring marketing strategies are out the window in 2024 (and they have been for a while, don't get us wrong). Instead, we need to make your marketing feel fun again. If you aren't having fun with it on your side, your audience won't either!

Why? Because those fun, crazy campaigns are what everyone is talking about and relating to. And, that's exactly what we want in our marketing campaigns, no matter if your company is 100,000 or 1.

So, let's cut the boring out of your marketing with these top tips!

Why Your Marketing Needs to Be Fun

It makes your brand more relatable, it's memorable to your audience, it's shareable (and we know that shares are an important metric!), it generates conversations with your brand at the center, and it's FUN!

As we said, we are seeing more of a trend behind real, relatable campaigns. This is why we see authentic influencers still being popular, and even "de-influencing" because people want to know the truth behind brands. How many times have you repeated or mentioned a commercial that you thought was fun? It happens all the time on social media and in conversations! We want to make content that not only sticks with your audience, but that they want to share to friends (aka, expands your reach!)

Top Tips for Making Your Marketing Fun

Have a Brainstorm Sess

Bouncing ideas off of your team or people in your network can lead to AMAZING brainstorming sessions and generating fun ideas.

Be Choosy About Who You Work With

This point is specifically for our marketers' reading! Choose products, services, and people that you love working with because that will be the fuel behind the campaigns you create. You'll have more fun with something you genuinely enjoy! And for our founders, too, choose a brand that you can stand behind and have a passion for because that will come out in your marketing!

Lean into humor

Not every brand has the ability to lean into humor, we totally get that. However, if you can, do it! Share the B.T.S., jump in on a funny trend, heck, create your own trend! Who doesn't love to watch or see content that has a sense of humor to it?


How can you add a little friendly competition and increased interaction to your content? Make a game out of it! Trivia, crosswords, and everything in between — think creatively about how you can add this to your content.

Find Your Spark

When you are marketing the same product or service for a while, it might be even more challenging to find that creative drive. Stop and think about how you can re-spark your ideas! A new course? Taking a break? A new photoshoot?

We hope you had fun reading this article and taking these ideas into your own marketing campaigns!


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