Which Social Platform is Best for Finding Your Target Audience?
There are so many misconceptions that arise when it comes to which platforms companies should be on. Some will argue that your company should be on all platforms for the best exposure, some will say you should only be on Instagram because it's the best for businesses, and some will say you should be on Instagram and TikTok because they have the most users currently. Our opinion on the subject - go where your audience is!
Social media marketing takes a lot of planning and effort to create and implement a strategy, so make sure you're putting that effort into the right platforms. So, before you start creating business pages for your business on all platforms, you have to know who your audience is. Find your buyer persona, and target customers, and research everything you need to know about them: gender, career, hobbies, age, income, locations, etc. From there, you can connect your target audience with the platform that fits best with them.
How do you find what's the best platform for you? Check out these statistics by platform:
Popular Age Range: 25-34, followed closely by 18-24.
Gender: 51% male
Users: 1.3 billion users
Location: India has the most users with the US following
Popular Age Range: 25-34
Gender: 57% male
Users: 2.9 million users
Location: India has the most users with the US following
Income: Usage by income is very similar.
Education: 89% of college graduates use Facebook
Popular Age Range: 10-19; 70% of American teens use the platform monthly
Gender: 61% female
Users: 885 million users
Location: Most downloaded app in over 40 countries
Income: 29% of Americans who earn $30,000-49,999/year use the platform.
Popular Age Range: 50-64
Gender: 78% female
Users: 431 million users
Income: 40% of Americans making over $75,000+/yr.
Other: 8/10 moms use the platform, and the percentage of male and Generation Z users is increasing over the years
Popular Age Range: 18-29
Gender: 61% male
Users: 217 million active users
Location: the US has the most users followed by Japan
Income: 34% earn 75,000+/yr
Other: Over 500 million Tweets are Tweeted per day
Popular Age Range 15-35
Gender: 46% female
Users: 2.56 billion users
Income: 90% of Americans who make $75,000+/yr use the platform
Education: 89% of Americans with a college degree.
Popular Age Range: 25-34
Gender: 52% male
Users: 810 million users, 57 million companies
Location: the US has the most users
Income: 50% of Americans who earn over $75,000+/yr
Education: 89% of Americans with college degrees.
Popular Age Range: 15-25, the largest age gap between users out of all platforms
Gender: 54% female
Users: 557 million users (319 million every day)
Location: India has the largest number of Snapchat users with the US following
Overall Platforms
Age: 18-29 range, but increasing for all age ranges.
Gender: very similar rates among women and men, with women slightly more.
Income: those to earn over $75,000/yr, closely followed by $30,000-$49,999, and $50,000-$74,999.
Education: College graduates, closely followed by those with some college.
Community: Those who live in urban areas are the most common, followed by suburban.
The demographics say it all! Hopefully, this helped you find the right platforms that connect you to the right audience. Have questions about which platform you should be on? Join our Facebook Group and ask away!