Top Tips for Creating Your SMM Portfolio

Everyone discusses portfolios, but let’s go back a few steps and discuss how to actually create them! In the world of social media management, portfolios are so necessary to have to showcase your work to potential clients.

A portfolio is described as, "A compilation of materials that exemplifies your beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, training and experiences." In other words, it's a more in depth resume that's more focused on your work. For us social media managers, this is our chance to present our analytics, design skills, testimonials, and other successes and experiences with socials.

Portfolios are so essential in our career path, especially as freelancers and consultants. Let's be honest, there are so many people out there that are in marketing, but we all have our own creative edge. Portfolios are a way to advertise and celebrate that edge and connect us with our ideal customers. Read the following tips to help you create an amazing social media portfolio!

Free Trials

If you're new in the SMM game and looking to create a portfolio before you can nail down your first client, try doing a free trial! A free trial can include free social media management over a certain time-period (a month would be perfect!), in exchange for a testimonial and to showcase their results and account on your portfolio. If you can't find a trial client, make yourself the showcase! Sometimes showing your own success is even better than a free trial; afterall, you'll be promoting yourself, while still getting perfect examples to use on your portfolio.

Showcasing Your Niche

Utilizing your niche is extremely important when it comes to your portfolio. If I'm a restaurant owner, seeing results from the social media management of a realtor won't really create that connection with me. Make sure you're showcasing a brand that is within your niche, to match your ideal clients and industry because that will stand out to them! Even if you have multiple industries you work with, have examples for each one!


If you have a website, it's a great way to have your portfolio displayed and easily findable for potienal clients. However, sometimes we want our work to be seen, but maybe not in such a public way! A presentation or PDF document are also great options, too. So, when someone asks for work examples, you can jump on a Zoom call or even email those on over.


Depending on your work and style, you'll have to think about what is the best options for formatting your work examples:

before and after photos, linking the accounts, infographics, graphs, etc. You definitely don't want a bunch of screenshots of your client's accounts on a blank Word document. Make sure it looks professional and it's simple to scan through as the viewer.

Get Permission

When you're using your clients insights, graphics, or information of any sort - ask, ask, ask! Chances are, they will be completely okay with you sharing your success on their accounts, but it's way better to be sure. Also, make sure you get in writing for legal purposes, so you always have a reference if the topic becomes an issue.

Have more questions about creating your portfolio? Join our free Facebook Community and discuss with us!


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