The Canva Hacks That Save Us So Much Time

Since Canva has made it's storm in the graphic design industry, it has become a must for social media managers for it's huge variety of templates, stock photos, ideas, and inspo. Canva is a great way to produce unique and creative designs, even if we do get to use a template or two.

With or without a template, you'll probably find yourself literally living on Canva! And it seems like just about everyone has a hack for you, but truth is, the hardest part about hacks are remembering them! Do they really save me time if I'm Googling them for an hour? Probably not. So, we put together a short list together of our favorite, easy-to-remember, Canva hacks that save me so much time when it comes to content creation!

Pull Elements from Templates

You know when you look through the templates and you find the perfect element, but it's no where to be found or searched in the elements section? Or maybe even when you just can't think of a search word to find what element you're looking for? ANNOYING! I pull elements all the time from templates and put them into others. It's the perfect way to use the template options, but put your own spin on them, while finding the best element that matches the point you are trying to get across!

Position a Group of Elements

The position button in general is a true MVP. You might know the position button and utilize it for centering your elements and photos on the page. BUT, did you know that if you have a group of elements, highlight all of them, and select the "position" button, and the "center" option it will center the elements with each other? When you have an element that you purposely want to be off to the side, but you want them to line up with each other in a row, it's perfect!

Include a sample video?


God bless shortcut keys. While it's physically impossible to remember all the shortcut keys in the world, they are a few that are such lifesavers on Canva! Here are some of my favorites to use:

cmd/ctrl + "Z" = Undo

Shift + cmd/ctrl + “K” key = Changes text to uppercase

"T" = Creates a new text box

cmd/ctrl + "C" & cmd/ctrl + "V" = Copy & paste

"/" = Quick access menu for elements, text, and more!

Another hack that will save you so much time, join our newsletter! We discuss all kinds of SMM struggles, hacks, ideas, and topics every Tuesday! Sign up here


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