May Content Marketing Ideas

Hello May! This month is all about new beginnings, so what better time to start with a new content strategy for social media? It can be challenging to come up with fresh and engaging ideas every month. That's why we've put together this blog post to help inspire your content marketing for May. Whether you're looking to increase engagement, drive traffic to your website, or build brand awareness, we've got you covered. May your month be productive… see what we did there? ;)

Here are our favorite ideas for this coming month!

National Days

Here’s a list of some fun “business” related national days this month, you may want to base some content around.

May 1 - International Workers Day

May 4 - National Self-Employed Day

May 5 - Cinco De Mayo

May 6 - Kentucky Derby

May 13 - National Dog Mom’s Day

May 14 - Mother’s Day

May 29 - Memorial Day

Visibility Posts

Often called "viral" or "sharable" , these posts help your account get seen by more clients and customers. These posts do so well usually because they are relatable to your audience who share them to their stories OR save them (to boost it with the algorithm!)

Post Ideas for Service-Based Business Owners:

  • 5 Steps/Tips to (Topic Related to Your Niche) 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣ Want to learn more? Tap the link in my bio to read my latest blog post/download my free guide/book a consultation call/browse the product catalog.

  • ❔"Insert FAQ Here!" ✖️ "Insert answer here"My DMs are always open for questions, ORRR you can tap the link in my bio to find out (insert what buttons/links you have in your link in bio page!)

  • Share inspiring quotes to your story

Post Ideas for Product-Based Business Owners:

  • When someone says (insert text of a common myth people have about your product/service/offer) here...THIS IS FALSE!Here's why (Insert why here!)

  • You wouldn't drive to a new destination without a map 🗺 (or your GPS telling you turn-by-turn where to go). So why are you trying to achieve (insert desire) without a roadmap?(Insert the six steps from the graphic here to make up your roadmap to desired outcome).Are you following all 6 steps or getting lost along the way?

  • (Share a quote you often say here to make a super sharable/viral tweet post!) Drop an emoji in the comments if you agree with this quote! ✨👇

Want to write better captions? Read our start to finish guide here.


Know, Like + Trust Builders

Now that you've shared content to increase your account's engagement...start building a connection with them by sharing personal content. These can be posts about you or your entrepreneurial story.

Post Ideas for Service-Based Business Owners:

  • ✍️ Dear April, another month down... AND (a lot/not so much) accomplished. This month, you brought (insert what you accomplished this month or didn't get too yet). But, May, I'm ready for you. This month is going to bring so much to the table, and not just for me... but for you too. I've got something big planned. (Tap the link in my bio to sign up for my email list to be the FIRST to know when it comes/drop your guesses in the comments/drop an emoji if you're excited!)

  • How I went from (before) to (after/where you are now)(Share how you've been in your ideal client/customers shoes before: not knowing where to invest in their business/lost without the product/etc) Drop an emoji in the comments if you're ready to start down this same path as me. ⬇️

  • Let's taco about my favorite holiday (because it's Cinco De Mayo of course!) 🌮 One thing you may not know about me but I could live off of tacos, queso and chips. Drop an emoji in the comments if you do too! 💃✨

Post Ideas for Product-Based Business Owners:

  • Share a face-to-screen hinting that you are announcing something exciting soon! Do a question sticker to see if you get any guesses.

  • Are you tired of (insert pain point here)? Are you ready to (insert pain point here)? If you answered YES to the above, then DM me the word "READY" right now I'll point you in the right direction of (desired outcome your ICA has!)

  • Boomerang of your Margaritas/tacos - Cinco De Mayo post


Knowledge Bombs

Now that your audience is starting to trust you...drop the knowledge bombs on them! Share your expertise as it relates to your product/service, and what they struggle with (how your product/service/knowledge helps them!)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Post Ideas for Service-Based Business Owners:

  • Have you ever found yourself spending all of your time (insert the problem your target audience faces)? The solution? (Insert the name of your service, offer, product.) Questions? Drop 'em below!

  • Are you being held back? The number one thing I see my clients/customers struggle with is (insert pain point). No more. That's why you need to (save time/feel better) with (insert your best tip/hack/how-to here).Was this helpful?

  • Question and Answer Time! 🙌 Q: "Common Q here" A: "Answer!" Q: "Common Q here" A: "Answer!" Let me know if you have any more questions? I'll share the answer tomorrow here on my feed!

Post Ideas for Product-Based Business Owners:

  • Share a story about your offer: how is it beneficial? Where can they buy it? Social proof?

  • POP QUIZ TIME! ✍️ (Insert your question here). A. B. C. Which answer is correct? If you guess it correctly I'll DM you a (coupon code/free guide about (topic)/a special link to buy/book a call with me). 👇

  • Share the question sticker on stories: “Ask Me Anything”


Money Makers

Your audience is now warmed up, they trust you, and they are ready to buy. Share posts that promote the benefits of your product/service as it relates to them! Don't focus on every single feature but rather the transformation they get from A. not having your product/service → to B. having your product/service done.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Post Ideas for Service-Based Business Owners:

  • May the Fourth Be With You today. 🚀 To celebrate I'm offering (40% off/free consults/a new guide in the link in my bio - this doesn't have to be new that you make... just promote it again to bring it top of mind!) Happy Star Wars Day!

  • Share screenshots of reviews you have + a link sticker to learn more/shop

  • Share a few testimonials/case studies

Post Ideas for Product-Based Business Owners:

  • Are you guilty of any of these mistakes?! They might be causing you problems AND costing you money (or insert something else it is costing them)... 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ The fix? (Insert your offer here.)

  • Share story with where to shop/sign up

  • Share the benefits & features of your service/product


Content Templates Ready For Your Feed

Access a month’s worth of social media captions, photos, and templates for every day of the month. We’ve got ideas that will fill your social media feeds and put hours back into your workday.

You’ll need a Social Savvy Membership account to access the templates. Sign up here.


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