How to Write Copy That Sells Your Coaching Services

As a coach, you offer a valuable service that can truly transform your clients' lives! However, it can be challenging to convince potential clients of the value of your services through your marketing copy.

Coaching is very unique, in that we don't have a product right in front of us to sell and show how it works, instead we have to focus on crafting a message that showcases the benefits of working with us.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to write copy that sells your coaching services and attracts the right clients.

Understand your target audience

The first step in writing effective copy is to understand your target audience. Think of marketing copy like a text message, you probably are going to send a very different text to your mom than you are to a business colleague, right? We have to know who we are talking to, so that we can adapt our copy around that. Who are you writing this for? What are their pain points and challenges? What are their goals and desires? Understanding your audience allows you to create messaging that resonates with them and speaks directly to their needs!

Highlight the benefits of your coaching services

Benefits > Features. Rather than simply listing the features of your coaching services, focus on the benefits. What specific outcomes can clients expect from working with you? How will their lives be transformed? By highlighting the benefits of your coaching services, you can make a strong case for why potential clients should choose you.

Use compelling language

Your copy should be engaging and persuasive! Use powerful, emotional language that connects with your audience on a deeper level. Use words that evoke feelings of empowerment, transformation, and possibility. Avoid generic or vague language and instead be specific and concrete in your messaging.

Share what make you unique

What sets your coaching services apart from others in your industry? Share your unique selling proposition in your copy. This could be a particular coaching methodology or technique, a specific area of expertise, or a personalized approach to coaching. By highlighting what makes your services unique, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and attract the right clients.

Incorporate social proof

Social proof, such as testimonials or case studies, can be a powerful tool in selling your coaching services. Going back to our previous point, coaching isn't like a product, where you can do a five-minute Shark Tank (where are all our Shark Tank fans🙋‍♀️?!) presentation and showcase the results. Social proof is the way we can demonstrate the results that clients have achieved through working with you! This not only adds credibility to your services but also gives potential clients a glimpse into what they can expect from working with you.

Include a call-to-action

Finally, don't forget to include a clear call-to-action in your copy. This could be an invitation to schedule a discovery call, sign up for a free consultation, or purchase a coaching package. Make it clear what action you want potential clients to take and make it easy for them to do so - direct link, a button, contact section, etc.

Writing effective copy for your coaching services requires a deep understanding of your target audience, a focus on the benefits of your services, compelling language, a unique selling proposition, social proof, and a clear call-to-action. By incorporating these elements into your copy, you can attract the right clients and grow your coaching business!


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