How to Have a Stress-Free Social Media Launch

Does thinking about your social media launch have you feeling a little like this…

Gif of a person stressed out.

Despite what you’re feeling right now, launching new products, services, or even your whole brand does not have to be a stressful process! With the proper research, planning, and strategizing, it will be a breeze. Let's get started!

Before you launch:

STRATEGIZE! Creating a launch strategy will be essential to a successful launch. Half of the time things are so stressful is because there isn't enough thought and plan put in to ensure that things will run smoothly. Don't approach a launch with a "let's wing it" attitude, because it's unfortunately just not something we can go into without careful planning. Just like a content strategy, your launch strategy can include a competitor analysis, audit of a previous launch, audience research and demographics, and a breakdown of your plan. Below you'll find a 3-stage guide to help you with this process!

Another important thing to remember, is the timeframe. While you start planning out your launch, give yourself two weeks out from your start date, at the minimum, to complete the stages below. Ideally, you want to find that sweet spot for your audience where they feel the excitement of the build up and getting to know you but it's not being dragged out too long that they lose interest.

The top issue with launches: we aren't listening and understanding our audience. This creates those thoughts of "What if they don't like it? What if it doesn't sell? How do I know if this is going to be successful?" If you take the time to listen to your audience, you'll know exactly what they need and how to structure what you're offering around them. We should ALWAYS create for our audience and the confidence in your service/product will be right there with you!

Let's launch!

This three-stage method creates the perfect social media launch to ease and excite your audience into your new service/product. Check it out!

Stage One: Attracting

This stage is all about speaking to your audience! This is where they will get the opportunity to warm-up and learn about you. This is your chance to introduce yourself and your expertise to establish your credibility. This is also where you should start planting the seeds for their pain points and answering the question of how your new service/offer/product will solve the pain points they currently have.

Stage Two: Consideration

In this stage, your audience realizes their problem and pain points and wants to seek ways to solve it! This is the perfect stage to highlight any discounts, freebies, or free-trials to motivate them to choose you and get them excited for when you actually launch your product. You can really showcase the different parts of your new service/product and establish the need for it.

Stage Three: Decision

Your audience is ready to buy! They know their pain points, they know how your service/product will solve it, they received your freebie and are ready to fully dive in and purchase your new service/product. Now, it's your time to create the feeling of urgency, scarcity, and popularity. We want them to purchase now, while their problem and the details of the solution (your service/product) is still fresh in their mind. You'll want to continue to establish trust in this stage and show that others are buying in and enjoying the service/product - showing social proof is a great way to do this!

This completes the guide to a stress-free social media launch! If you're launching your entire brand, we recommend checking out our Building a Social Savvy Brand course, for a more detailed overview of how to create a authority brand on Instagram!


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