How To Build A Professional LinkedIn Profile As An Entrepreneur or Freelancer

LinkedIn can become a valuable marketing tool for entrepreneurs and freelancers. It gives us the opportunity to start conversations, connect with others in our industry, learn & educate, AND showcase our business.

But, in order to make the most out of our LinkedIn, we need to consider updating a few things first! Check out these steps to bettering your LinkedIn profile:

1.) Professional Photo For Your Profile Image

A professional photo is so essential for LinkedIn. We are not using our selfie from 2010, okay? If you don't have a professional headshot, try making your own with these steps: (1) Use a ring light or natural lighting (2) Use a photo stand if you have one or set your phone on a sturdy surface (3) Use the "portrait" mode if you have an iPhone (4) have a solid-color background behind you (such as a wall or backdrop if you have one). If needed, use Canva's photo editing option called "background remover" to remove the backdrop and add something that looks more professional!

2.) Use a Cover Photo

Using a professional cover photo can help convey professionalism on your page as well. Consider this LinkedIn's version of Instagram highlights, it should be the second place viewer's eyes go to look for information when they get to your page, so utilize this space. Consider creating a graphic that can include examples of your work, your achievements, your current job title, or even just a simple stock photo that can further showcase your personality!

3.) Have a Headline

Use a headline and include keywords! Just like an Instagram profile, you want to be searchable and use this space to your advantage. This can include your job title, your company name, or your industry to briefly sum up what you do.

4.) Turn Your Summary Into A Story

We all know, that storytelling SELLS when it comes to socials. Share your professional story and let viewers really get to know you! How did you get to where you are now? What inspired you to start your company? How did you find that you had a passion for this industry?

5.) Grow Your Network

Building your network will really help you in the long run. LinkedIn is an amazing place to make new connections in the professional sphere. Connect with people in your industry and start the conversation. Now, we certainly don't mean trying to connect with everyone that LinkedIn recommends for you, but focus on creating meaningful connections. This might mean people in your industry, geographical area, potential customers, potential partners, or other good connections to know. That way when it comes to advice, resources, or just a relevant audience - you have valuable connections at your fingertips!

6.) List Relevant Skills & Experience

If your industry is social media, people looking at your profile would be interested in seeing experience and skillsets that relates to that, instead of the dog walking you did back in 2010. This should be just like a resume, short, sweet, and relevant. This way, people will be able to see the most important information versus being overwhelmed with their entire professional career.

7.) Showcase Your Business

Last, but furthest from least, hype up your business! It can be difficult to find the confidence to start talking about your business, but it's so crucial to talk about you and your business. Be proud of what you do and even though this is your personal profile, your business is a huge part of you so make sure to live up to every chance you get to brag about it! This can be a great place to cross-promote your business’ LinkedIn page, blog posts, and more.

Follow us on LinkedIn for more tips and tricks when it comes to all things social!


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