How Often to Post on Pinterest for Business

As we discussed on this episode of the Hashtag Managed Podcast, Pinterest is such a dynamic platform for businesses to this day.

Pinterest is where your brand can show up to inspire, educate, and influence your target audience, plus, let's just give a little shoutout to how great the SEO capabilities are...

By the end of this article, you'll be informed about why your business should be on Pinterest and how often you should post on the platform.

Why Your Business Should Be On Pinterest

Pinterest is a slow burn. It's such a powerful search engine that your brand can leverage and although it's not always making groundbreaking news headlines, it has remained a top platform since it's start in 2009.

In fact, 498 million people use Pinterest every month. Even if you're not on Pinterest, people ARE! And, that's why you should be too. Leaving Pinterest out of your marketing strategy can make you miss a large portion of your audience.

How Often to Post on Pinterest

The frequency of posting on Pinterest for business can vary depending on several factors such as your industry, audience engagement, and the amount of content you have available. There are some articles that say post 30 times per day, and some that say just once per month. So, how are we as business supposed to know the right answer here when it comes to posting frequency on the platform?

Let's take it from Pinterest themselves! Pinterest states that posting at least once per week is recommend, but don't post just to post. Since Pinterest content is evergreen, the quality of your content will be the driving factor. So, think about what's sustainable in your business, how many times per week can your brand post quality content?

Many successful businesses on Pinterest find that posting 1-4 times per week is a good balance. This frequency allows you to stay visible to your audience without bombarding them with too much content, but also doesn't lead you to immediate burnout in quality content. Aim for consistency!

The last point we want to make here, the golden rule of marketing is always A/B test! Analyze your Pinterest analytics after posting to understand when your audience is most active and engaged, and adjust your posting frequency accordingly. Focus on creating high-quality, content for your audience to relate to and get inspired by and the rest will fall into place.

Happy pinning! Don't forget to connect with us over there!!


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