A Breakdown of How To Successfully Audit Your Own Socials

I know anytime we hear the word "audit" your heart starts pounding a bit, but we promise this type of audit doesn't have to be scary or stressful. It's actually an amazing feeling reviewing your own successes and challenges! Social media audits is, "the process of reviewing your business’ metrics to assess growth, opportunities and what can be done to improve your social presence." This creates such an amazing opportunity to review and revisit your goals and ensure that you're staying on track with your content strategy, or even if you need to change up your content strategy!

You should include a realistic timeline in your content strategy of specifically when you'll be conducting audits. It will look different for everyone, but we typically recommend an audit every quarter. For your brand, it might be six-months, or even a year depending on your time. Even if you didn't include this already, definitely take the time to go back and outline that in your strategy.

This is a guide to quick and actionable audit -

Goals & KPIs

Your goal(s) can vary so much in your content strategy because we all have different reasons for being on socials. You might have one goal, or five, or anywhere in between! During this process, goals are the best place to start. Revisit your goals and make you're using SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time framed). Then, ask yourself these questions:

What's the current progress on the goals?

Are we meeting them?

Do I need to restructure or change them?

Next, revaluate your KPIs that you use to measure your goals. Are they accurate and relatable to your goals? If not, how can we change those?

Profile Overview

  • Is your profile picture relevant and up-to-date?

  • Is your bio optimized with an "I help" statement?

  • Are your highlights updated?


Hop over to your insights and check out your top performing and lowest performing posts. Evaluate these for what went right, what didn't, what you could have done better, and what you could utilize more in the future. From there, you can restructure your strategy to fit in more posts like the ones that were successful


Analytics are often the part that can get overwhelming. There's a lot to look at when it comes to the analytics of your page and content. But, you don't have to know and analyze every piece of analytics. This is where your goals tie in and you can focus on the analytics that surround your goals specifically to see if they are the results you need to be on the right track with those goals. For example, if increasing sales by X is one of your goals, you might want to look at how many people are clicking your link to your website!


Last but the farthest from least - community! Even though we interact with our community daily, it can be easy to overlook the big picture and miss some trends. Do you have people that are regularly interacting with your content? Do you have people that use to interact with your content that no longer do? Why might that be? Take a look into their personality, what they are saying, and how often they are interacting with your page. Noticing these things can be important to continuing to connect with them! After all, these are the people, especially the regulars, that you have built up a relationship with and are the most likely to be customers in the long run.

If you don't have time to audit or still need some additional help - don't panic! Join our membership to get more audit resources or even request for us to do the audit for you!


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