6 Ways To Post Carousels To Facebook in 2024
Hands up if you're a content repurposing fan!
We are all about repurposing content and avoiding idea burnout. Plus, when you have a high-performing piece of content, we want to keep that momentum going and keep sharing! The difficult part between platforms though, is that you can't exactly copy and paste the same content directly over. The way we see it though, this is actually a benefit. This is because we don't want to repost the same content on every channel in the exact same ways because (1) we have different audiences on different platforms, (2) different content works for different platforms. Let's take a look at the demographic difference between Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook as an example:
Popular Age Range: 25-34, followed closely by 18-24.
Gender: 51% male
Users: 1.3 billion users
Location: India has the most users with the US following
Popular Age Range: 10-19; 70% of American teens use the platform monthly
Gender: 61% female
Users: 885 million users
Location: Most downloaded app in over 40 countries
Income: 29% of Americans who earn $30,000-49,999/year use the platform.
Popular Age Range: 25-34
Gender: 57% male
Users: 2.9 million users
Location: India has the most users with the US following
Income: Usage by income is very similar.
Education: 89% of college graduates use Facebook
These demographics are largely different. So, we can't post the same content between both, unless we take the difference into consideration. Instagram's carousels and TikTok's photo mode allow for easy conversions between those two platforms when it comes to multiple-photo content; however, Facebook does not have these same capabilities. To combat this, we are providing six ideas for turning your carousels into Facebook content, plus examples!
Here are a few ways to repurpose carousels on Facebook:
Turn it into a multiple-photo post
Turn it into a Reel
Make a text post with bullet points
Turn it into a poll
Create a carousel Ad
Create an album