Why AI Can't Be Your Social Media Manager

AI continues to advance in the digital world. It's creating content, it's creating captions, it's doing powerful things. AI is a tool that will continue to develop overtime and it will always, always, always be one we keep our radar on.

However, we need to make the boundaries clear. It's a tool, not a team. When it comes to running your social media account, while AI can support you through certain social media tasks, it can't be your social media manager.

You might be thinking, "you are social media managers, of course you hate AI because it's taking your jobs." We hear you, but listen to this: we actually love AI. We use it! It fuels us to do more and aids us in crafting better content. It's super helpful for a lot of things.

And, because we use it, we know the limitations of it first hand. Of course we've run into business owners that would rather use AI than hire a social media manager, and more power to them. However, while AI can be the 'quick fix' to socials, it needs a creator behind it to fuel the human connection that makes up your brand. Otherwise, your brand will feel like....a robot!

What AI Can Do for Social Media:

  1. Provide Analysis

  2. Trend Monitoring

  3. Generate content ideas

  4. Improve grammar and copy

  5. Quickly edit videos

  6. Respond to FAQs

What Social Media Managers Can Do with Social Media:

  1. Recognize market shifts, analyze insights, and adapt a strategy around this.

  2. Connect to your audience 1:1 and cultivate a community your customers feel part of

  3. Create authentic content that strike conversations (we are talking REAL engagement here, folks!)

  4. Craft fun, unique content that feels the most like your brand.

  5. Take a people-focused approach with community management, content creation, editing.

  6. Implement trends into your brand's content strategy.

So, yes. AI can help you with your social media, but it can't be your whole social media! Your audience will feel the disconnect, and that's exactly what we don't want in a social media world that is currently striving on authenticity and real genuine connections.

If you want a full social media team to take your business to the next level with stand out content —photo, video, audio, and copy— that you can use across all of your marketing channels, learn more about how you can work with us!


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