Reel vs Story: What's the Difference Between Reels and Stories on Instagram?

Are you a business owner trying to figure out Instagram? As much as we love Instagram, it's no secret that it's hard to learn the ins and outs of every feature. Plus, some of them are so similar; like Reels and stories for example!

This article is here to help you (1) learn what exactly are Instagram Reels and Instagram Stories (2) what the difference is between Reels and stories on Instagram, and (3) learn which one is better for what types of content.

What Are Instagram Reels and Instagram Stories?

First, let's define these features. Instagram Reels are videos shown in the Reels content feed (or in-feed if selected there also) where users fully customize their videos with added text, audio, stickers, and more. Instagram Stories can be static photos, graphics, or videos that are shown at the top of the Instagram feed, disappearing after 24 hours, where you can add music, text, stickers, and more. Sounds a little similar, right?

What is the difference between Instagram Reels and Stories?

Reels and Stories on Instagram both offer you the opportunity to share short, creative videos with your followers, so what's the difference? The key difference is that Reels are intended to be longer, more in-depth videos. Reels are permanently on your page (unless removed of course!) and they have a long lifespan on the algorithm with the average being 2 weeks. Stories are limited to under 60 seconds, and can only be viewed on your profile for 24 hours. So, Reels are often used for creating longer, instructional videos and following trends, while Stories are great for quick updates, quick tutorials, and fun content! In sum, the main factors that set the two apart are the lifespan, video length, and format.

What type of content do I share on Instagram Reels and Stories?

Now that we know the difference, it brings us to, what type of content do I share for each? Many users consider stories to be more impromptu, quick, or informal, whereas Reels can be more planned and formal, like a post! Truth is, there is a lot of crossover on what you can post to each. There's no law saying that you have to use certain types of content on one or the other. Do what you think works best for your audience, strategy, and you! Plus, you can always repurpose your stories into a Reel and vice versa. The possibilities are endless!

P.S. Don't feel like you're all alone when it comes to managing your social media. Learn more about how we can transform your socials!


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