Our Favorite Question To Ask Potential Client In a Discovery Call

How great is it when we have a social media management client that we perfectly gel with? 🤩

However, we can't get there without a discovery call. More so, an effective client discovery call! In order for your discovery call to be actionable and effective, we need to be sure to ask the right questions that will not only help us get to know them and their business but also will tell if we will work well together in the long run!

We won't say that there is only one question that will sum up you're entire working relationship together; however, we do have a question we ALWAYS ask because it has become such a good way to gauge potential clients.

So, what is it you ask? → Can you tell me about the person that was in this role previously?

How they answer this question will be a huge insight into what it would look like for you in this role. For example, if they answer with a very negative and general answer but can't give any of the real details about why the partnership didn't work out, it's probably going to be a tough client. On the other side, if they give you enough context to understand why it wasn't a good fit or why it ended, and mention their expectations and how they communicated those expectations...definitely a green flag!

If their answer is still a little more general, try these follow-up questions:

→ What were their strengths & weaknesses?

→ What ended the partnership?

→ Is there anything you want the next person in this role to do differently?

Make sure you have a pen in hand while asking this question and ensure to write down the details of their answer because you won't want to miss it.


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