How To Search for Trending Audio on Instagram

Trending audio can be a fun element to add to your social media content to expand your content's reach and react quickly on trending content.

Trending audio is no doubt a lifesaver when it comes to content that isn't pre-recorded audio, it can be a bit tricky to find your perfect audio match from time to time, too. In this blog, we are showcasing 4 easy steps to finding trending audio on Instagram.

4 Easy Steps to Finding Trending Audio on Instagram:

1.Go to the profile view on your Instagram App

2. Select the three-line menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen

3. Scroll down and select "Trending Audio"

4. Scroll all the current trending audios!

Watch this video to see the steps in action:

Remember to keep an eye on what's popular in your specific niche or community as trends can vary widely depending on interests and demographics, too.

What's next? Learn more about Instagram Reels with lifetime access to our Reels portal. Meet Trend Savvy, our hub for all things Instagram Reels!


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