How to Find your Niche on Instagram

How do we get the most out of Instagram? We use it for finding our niche!

Instagram is a great way to find your target audience to start creating a loyal community and engaged following. However, Instagram is a platform with over a billion monthly active users, and standing out in such a large crowd can be challenging if you don't identify and find your niche!

Here are some tips on how to find your niche on Instagram:

Identify Your "Why"

Why did you start this business? Why do you do what you do? When you are sure of your why and are consistently sharing content that speaks to that, it's like a magnetic pull right to your target audience!

Find your Voice

Now that we know your why, we are going to talk about how we are going to communicate that! Every brand has a unique tone and voice that we use to continuously craft ourselves and make our account personal! Do you know when you meet someone for the first time and they say something so relatable it sounds exactly like something you'd say? That "did we just become best friends?!" moment is exactly what you want your audience to feel! You'll want to dive deep into what your brand voice looks like to be able to connect with your target customers.

Keywords & Hashtags

Social media platforms are powerful search engines! In fact, some are even saying that they are becoming the new Google. What does this mean for us? We need to be searchable! Relevant keywords and hashtags can work wonders! Not only do want to find our niche, they want to find us, too! We want to know what our audience is searching, so we can use those same keywords and hashtags right in our post and bio. Fully utilize hashtags and keywords that are related to your industry, niche, location (if it's a location-based audience!), and content. This will help increase your visibility and searchability.

Location Tags

If your audience is location-based, use location tags on your posts and stories, and commonly check those tags, too! For example, if you are a wedding registry company in Tampa, FL, you'll want to be scanning the popular engagement spots around the city to connect with your audience!

Find Connection Points

Similar interests, events, pages - you should be social listening and monitoring on similar interests. You likely have a good idea of who your audience is, what they like, and where they are, so use the things that you know about them to your advantage and start searching in those common places where they might be!

By following these tips, you'll be able to find your niche on Instagram and start building a following that is interested in the content you're sharing.

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