Email List Content Ideas

If you've been following us for a while, you've probably realized how obsessed we are with email lists!

Email marketing is easily a top marketing channel when it comes to lead generation, cost-effectiveness (with an ROI of 41:1 🤯), and direct connection to target audiences. If you love the idea of having an email list and finding these results out for yourself but aren't sure what content to put inside?

We are in the holiday gifting mood and gifting content ideas 🎁↓

  • Quick Tips

  • Team Updates

  • Journal-style thoughts and hot takes

  • Your story

  • New blogs

  • Company Updates

  • Your favorite [tool, product, feature, benefit relating to your target audience]

  • New podcasts

  • Product or service info

  • An experience and what you learned from it

  • Launches

  • Active offers, sales, and discounts

  • Past and upcoming events

  • Industry news

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Reel Ideas for Original Audios


Tips for Setting Your Social Media Manager Pricing