5 Things Social Media Managers Can Learn From Emily In Paris

Have you binged season 3 of Netflix's Emily In Paris, yet? I'm definitely not embarrassed to say I finished it all on the night in premiered...

This show is focused around Emily, a Social Media Manager who gets transferred from Chicago to Paris, France to work for the sister company, Savoir. It follows her journey to managing a new country, culture, friends, clients in the luxury market! And let us just say, it's about time they make a show with a Social Media Manager as the main character because we all know we have been claiming the main character energy for YEARS ✨

This series not only makes you want to drop everything and RUN to Paris, but also, for social media managers, marketers, agency owners, and strategists, we can take a lot of valuable lessons from it!

Here are our favorite lessens to take from Emily In Paris:

Niches are Important

Savoir's niche is all things luxury and they certainly don't let anyone forget that! They fully leverage their niche when it comes to creating the client experience, networking, and reputation. Because they market themselves in this way, it creates a strong appeal to other clients in this category and a solid referral system - which is what every SMM dreams of! Plus, they choose the niche that they are genuinely passionate about, that way they can share that love of the industry and energy with their clients, too. So, when it comes to choosing your niche as a Social Media management agency, choose one that you're passionate about and market that niche to your target audience, so they know that you are all about them!

Social Media Is a Rollercoaster

Emily has campaigns that are wildly successful, and others that flop, and others that she has to pivot to find success! And if that doesn't sum up every social media managers experience, I don't know what does. She is proof that you have to keep your head up and correct your approach or strategy, in order to find consistent success. For example, when she wants to create a champagne spray campaign with a cheaper champagne for customers to spray instead of consume, it turns into the consumers thinking that it's just bad tasting champagne. To turn the campaign around, all she needed was an influencer to demo it first!

Keep your Audience at the Heart of your Content

Throughout every season, we see Emily adapting to the audience of each luxury brand! There's no doubt that she always has the audience in mind when creating content, and honestly, I think that's the most important takeaway for any social media manager! She speaks to the audience in calculated, yet genuine way that's able to establish a powerful connection between the brand and the audience.


Coming from the workaholic American bubble, Emily struggles at first to find her stride in the French culture, which is focused on a healthy work-life balance and the work-to-live mantra. Although Emily wants to constantly overstep her personal boundaries, her coworkers at Saviour help her realize how important boundaries are and how to value your personal time and make it fun! She learned to enjoy her vacations without working, to never talk business at parties, and to prioritize herself first. The last thing you want to do is spend your St. Tropez vacation worrying about work, so learn some Emily's mistakes!

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Emily consistently jumps out of her comfort zone. Plus, she not only pushes out of her comfort zone, but she encourages clients and coworkers to do the same. From that, she finds wildly creative new ideas and even new marketing angles that their client's target audience can't get enough of! We aren't saying that you have to move to Paris or anything, but don't be afraid to jump at the next opportunity that comes your way, even if it scares you.

What's your favorite thing you learned from Emily In Paris that you are taking back to your own business? Let's discuss in our Facebook group!


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