4 Ways to Simplify Your Social Media Management

Social Media Management is a lot to handle but there are so many small, impactful ways to simplify the entire process. Try these out and let us know what you think!

Create Good Structure

Research, strategy, pillars, planning - OMG do they actually simplify things. One of the most common mix-ups is that these things are overwhelming and add complication to social media management, when in fact they can and should do the exact opposite. These should be the backbone of your social media. Planning is necessary in marketing, we all know that!

Have a Routine and Schedule

Scatterbrained? Guillttyyyyy. But, having a set schedule and routine that works for you can severly help! We are HUGE fans of the social media checklists and routines. Not only do they keep up on track, but they also create such consistency. Plus, sometimes we really need the reminder! Check out ours here. We also love block scheduling! This means setting aside time to focus on specific tasks. For example, in social media management, you could set aside 8:00am-9:00am to engagement, 12:00pm-2:30pm to replying to comments and DM's, or Wednesdays to content creation. Not every routine and schedule will work with every person, so really experiment with it and find a rhythm that works best for you.


Burnout is real. Not having the time is real. Make it easy on yourself when your in a content creation mood and create templates for you to come back to when you are in a rush or aren't feeling creative! You'll be surprised how much it can save time in the long run. It can be templates from scratch, or edited Canva templates changed to fit your brand, whatever you use!

Content Batching

Content batching is so important. Just because we are content creators, doesn't mean we need to spend time creating a graphic, caption, hashtag, etc. for one post EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. This is where content batching can step in. Content batching is described as, a "productivity technique where you create all of your captions or visual content during a set period of time." It may seem like a small difference, but focusing on one task at a time actually makes a whole lot more sense. Additionally, it helps out a lot when it comes to repetitiveness. For example, if I create all the captions at once for the whole month, I know I have a lot better chances of me not repeating myself and using similar hooks, CTAs, and phrases because I have a fresh memory of the previous captions I made.

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