4 Ways to Invest in Yourself As An Entrepreneur
Business owners give a lot of ourselves to our work, business, team, and personal life; even if that sometimes means we forget to put priority on our most important investment: ourselves. A self-care day thrown into the mix is the perfect short-term stress reliever; although, we want you to think bigger! Make the moves today to invest in yourself and I promise your future self will appreciate every bit of it. There are very few moves in life that you would regret taking when you focus on what's best for you.
Ready to get investing?
1.) Learn
Of course! Marketing is all about growth, learning, and finding opportunities! Our industry changes so quickly and we constantly are changing and adapting to the market. We aren't saying you have to go back and get another degree or take an expensive class! You can find small ways to invest in your knowledge, and you'll love the self-confidence boost that comes with more education. There are about a million classes, courses, memberships, podcasts, tutorials, and people to learn from in our industry - try one out or commit to a few resources per month!
2.) Set Goals
Personally, professionally, or academically: set goals! Self-confidence, motivation, and autonomy have all been linked to goal setting. It took me so long to give goal setting the appreciation it needs. Of course, in the world of social media, we set goals all the time for our content strategies and clients; however, when it comes to a personal level, it seems to be not as popular. But, how are you supposed to know your direction if you aren't putting them into reachable goals and milestones to guide you on the right path?
3.) Organize
The difference that organizing makes as a business owner is shocking every single time. We know we all need to hear this from time to time but takes a day to organize. Take it once a week if you need to. It may seem like it takes too much time, but if you are doing it in a way that works best for you, it should save hours in the long run. Not to mention, it will also keep you sane!
4.) Listen
Going hand-and-hand with learning, listening is such a valuable skill. Our take on the subject, though: listen to yourself. How many times have you ignored that gut feeling or let your imposter syndrome get in your way? Realize that you are smart, you are skilled, you are experienced; and, you know what you want when you listen to yourself. Listening to yourself and your needs is a form of investment that you should definitely consider.
“You are the most valuable investment you will ever make.”