4 DM Templates to Connect With Your Community

Direct Messages (DMs) are POWERFUL for connecting with your audience!

Social media platforms are designed for community, so there's no doubt you can connect with others all over the place on them - the comment section, stories, content, likes, and more. However, within the messages section is where your relationships and connections can thrive! And, we know that with connections can also come conversions. DMs can be such an important piece of the puzzle in the ‘nurturing your audience’ portion of your buyer's journey.

However, like any conversation, it can feel a little awkward to start (where are our introverted SMMs at? 🙋‍♀️) Use the templates below to guide you through starting conversations in the DMs. Keep in mind that nothing on socials can be copy & paste, or a one-size-fits-all method, so make sure to add in our own personal touches on these!

New Followers

Hi [first name]! Thank you for following me! I see that you're (connection point)! I'm so excited to get to know you more (emoji)

Follow-Up To Engagement

Hey [first name], saw your comment on ___ page about ___. Totally agree with you! [Ask a question about this topic]

Market Research

Hi [first name]! I wanted to reach out to you because I see that you’re a (new entrepreneur, new mom, new coach, whoever your ICA is) and you’re who I create content for! I would LOVE to know what you’re struggling with RIGHT NOW so that I can create content around that!


1ST MESSAGE: Hi [first name]! I saw that you voted in my poll for my freebie! I know you are going to love it. It’s going to help you with (struggle #1) and (struggle #2)!

Here’s that link → [LINK!]

2ND MESSAGE: Hi again [first name]! How are you? How are you enjoying the (free resource you shared)? I would love for you to let me know how it’s working for you if you’re open to it?

We are so excited for you to connect with your community in the DMs!

Need more advice on how to effectively use direct messages in your marketing strategy? Pop into our DMs!


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