4 Powerful Ways to Create a Loyal Community
“Social Media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships.”
Got that right, David! We hear it all the time, "Social media is a community," "Social media is for building relationships," "Focus on creating a community and sales will follow." And it's so unbelievably true! Whether we are sick of hearing it or not, social platforms were founded based on the premises of creating an online community and connection. It's so critical to stress the importance of creating a loyal community on your business accounts, after all, that's where your most loyal customers and fans will come from too.
What are the steps we need to take to creating that dedicated community? They vary depending on your audience, but there are four powerful ways that usually do the trick.
1.) Understand your Insights
Our insights are always shown to us across our account with every story, post, reel, and our entire page. It can be a great way look at how your content is actually performing. But, on another level, knowing and understanding exactly what those insights mean is a huge step in seeing how your content is resonating with your audience and forming your community. Our favorites to track are saves, shares, reach and website clicks because they showcase our brand goals best.
2.) Boost your Engagement
Everyone wants to know the "secret" to getting better engagement but the truth is, is that there is no "secret!" It's just a simple fact that you need to know your audience! If you take what you know about them and are able to take that back and create something that speaks to them, that will severely help boosting your engagement. Additionally, use call to actions that not only make your audience want to engage, but also tell them how!
3.) Hashtags
Hashtags are such an essential part of new account exposure. If you're wondering why your hashtag reach is so low, you may need to check your hashtag strategy. We have a complete guide on how to master your hashtags on Instagram. But, note that hashtags won't fix content issues! A major misconception is that your hashtags are the problem, when it could be the quality of your content. Be sure you know how to measure which one is the issue.
Last, but far from least, nuture, nuture, nuture! You attracted your audience with hashtags and quality content, but now what do we do with them as followers? How do we keep them? Continue steps 1 & 2 - watch your insights, know what kind of content is continuing to resonate with your audience, and use effective CTAs. Your audience will adapt, expand and change, so be sure to keep up with them!
Creating a loyal community is by no means a quick and easy process, but it is a crucial element with social media management. Follow us to learn more helpful tips and tricks of social media!