20 Questions to Ask Your New Clients to Create Content

To create tailored and effective content strategies, you need to understand your client's business, target audience, goals, and preferences. And, you've probably guessed it: it all comes back to what questions you ask in your onboarding to get to know them!

Not only do we have to figure out how to encompass all parts of their brand through their content, but we also have to connect these to content pillars for ourselves to use, as social media managers.

Here are 20 questions to ask your new social media management clients to create content and how they serve each content pillar:


It's important to establish a strong and genuine connection with your audience.

To achieve this, businesses must focus on building trust and relationships with their audience through their social media posts. And that's where the concept of "know, like + trust builders" comes in.

These are posts that allow you to connect with your audience on a personal level and help establish a genuine relationship. 

  1. Can you share a personal story or experience that demonstrates our brand's values or mission?

  2. What are some interesting anecdotes or behind-the-scenes moments from our team's perspective?

  3. How has our brand evolved overtime, and what lessons have we learned along the way?

  4. Who are the people behind our brand, and what inspires them in their work?

  5. What personal challenges have our team members overcome, and how has it shaped our brand's identity?


In today's fast-paced digital world, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has enabled us to connect with people from all over the world, share our thoughts and experiences, and stay up-to-date on news and events.

But, with so much content being posted every second, it can be tough to get your social media posts seen by the right people. That's where visibility comes in. A viral, shareable, and relatable post has the power to boost your online presence and get your message across to a wider audience.

  1. What inspiring quotes or stories can we share that resonate with our audience and align with our brand's values?

  2. Can we create entertaining and shareable content like memes, gifs, or humorous anecdotes that relate to our industry or niche?

  3. What are some heartwarming or relatable moments involving our customers or community?

  4. How can we use storytelling to connect with our audience on a deeper emotional level?

  5. Are there any trending topics or viral challenges that we can participate in while staying authentic to our brand?


As a business owner, you have a wealth of expertise in your industry that can benefit your customers. Sharing your knowledge and insights through social media can not only establish you as a thought leader but also provide your followers with valuable facts and solutions to overcome their problems.

Here are some great ideas for creating effective knowledge bombs that showcase your expertise and demonstrate how your business can help your audience.

  1. What are the most common questions or pain points our customers have, and how can we address them in informative blog posts or videos?

  2. Can we create a comprehensive guide or tutorial that helps our audience navigate a complex topic or process?

  3. What industry trends or developments should our audience be aware of, and how can we provide insights and analysis?

  4. Are there any misconceptions about our industry or products that we can debunk with educational content?

  5. How can we use data and research to support our educational content and establish ourselves as industry experts?


Among the various types of social media posts, money makers are the most effective ones. These posts are designed to highlight the benefits and features of a product or service in a way that encourages people to buy.

The key to creating effective money-maker social media posts is to focus on the transformation that the product or service can provide.

  1. What are the key benefits of our product/service, and how can it solve a specific problem for our customers?

  2. Can we create a limited-time offer or exclusive discount to incentivize purchases?

  3. What customer testimonials or success stories can we share to showcase the value of our offerings?

  4. Are there any upcoming product/service launches or updates that we can tease or promote?

  5. How can we highlight the unique features that set our product/service apart from the competition?

These questions are an essential starting point for a comprehensive social media strategy for your social media management clients.


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