16. How To Confidently Promote Your Services as a Social Media Manager


Selling services and products? Pshhhhh, that's easy!

When it comes to promoting our own abilities… now that might be a different story. However, when it comes to being a freelancer, entrepreneur, and even in job interviews, it's so essential to be able to confidently promote ourselves and all our skills because that's how we secure the bag.

So how do we take the awkwardness out of promoting your accomplishments and services? Listen in for a few tips to help!

Welcome back to another episode of Hashtag Managed!

When it comes to being a freelancer, entrepreneur, and even in job interviews, it's so essential to be able to confidently promote ourselves and all our skills because that's how we secure the bag.

As consumers, we want to purchase from someone who's credible, trustworthy, confident, and able to make us feel comfortable with their expertise in the industry/subject. As social media freelancers, for example, our clients want to know what experience, skills, and qualifications in order to be sure that we are the right fit for what they need. But, let's face it, it can be a bit uncomfortable to hype yourself up!

So how do we take the awkward out of promoting your accomplishments and services? Here are the tips to help:

Know the facts

⁠A common strategy is to simply state the facts of your success! Did you get those results? YES! Did you get that degree? YES! Did you start your own business? YES! Whatever your accomplishments are, there is absolutely no room for imposter syndrome when we are talking about straight facts. You can't sound "braggy" if all the information is literally 100% true - keep that in mind!

Use visuals, statistics, and testimonials

Give yourself some freebies! It can be way easier to show your results, rather than say them. Use visuals, statistics, and testimonials to build yourself up. When it comes to a sales call, client discovery call, or even a social post, you can include all kinds of visuals to showcase your work for that they speak for themselves.

Practice your phrasing

Avoid using phrases that diminish your accomplishments! You can have all these great accomplishments, but if you phrase it as if it is not that big of a deal, it won't be to the client or customer. Try changing phrases like "we did _" to "my part in this project was _."

I can't even tell you how guilty I am of trying to hype up the team I'm working with and constantly stating "we," until I realize there is a time and a place for that! Showcase what YOU can do because chances are, they aren't hiring the entire team that you worked with two years ago, they are hiring you.

Check out how much of an impact we can make on these phrases:

  • "I'm not a pro at that" ➡️ "I'm still learning at this subject but I'm still qualified to assist you with what I know currently"

  • "I don't know how to do that" ➡️ "I'm not experienced with this, but I can look into it."

  • "I think__" ➡️ "I know__"

  • "That's not in my wheelhouse." ➡️ "I can find you an expert from my network that would be able to better assist you with that."

  • "I'm new to freelancing." ➡️ "I have years of experience in this industry, so I decided to start freelancing with those skills!"

Believe It

I know this seems easier said than done, but trust us - you have to believe you can do it, too. It's not just about getting your clients and customers to buy into your talents, you have to buy in, too! Know that you accomplish great things, or at least you can give your best effort and try. Confidence is a journey, especially in the professional world.

There will be PLENTY of people who will hate on what you do or that you won't really vibe with, but as cheesy as it sounds, you have to keep believing in yourself and not let them break down your confidence. And if you’re looking for support - you always have it with us. Join our free Facebook group, by searching “Social Savvy Collective” on Facebook!

Until next week!

Links From This Episode

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17. Alexis Fortier on Systems, Client Experiences, and the Seven Pillars of Business


15. 5 Steps to Onboarding New Social Media Management Clients